Police drop in session - A COP OUT!

Barnsley police held a "drop in" session on Thursday at Barnsley District General Hospital from 2 – 5 pm. The purpose was to give the public the opportunity to feedback on current community policing practises. It does not take a marketing expert to realise the utter foolishness of this venue which is why most soap powder manufacturers have their customer surveyors mingling with shoppers on a weekend in the town centre. Why anybody would choose to attend a venue that is completely out of the way, notoriously difficult and expensive to park and at times which discriminates against working people is difficult to conceive. Wait a minute! Perhaps this is the reason! Maybe if no one turns up then maybe the bureaucratic empire builders who have replaced operational police officers can claim to have carried out a customer satisfaction exercise without having to fill in too many boxes that hopelessly embarrass their useless politically correct top brass! The top brass who have yielded without so much as protest at the police force (or service as it is known to the politically correct) being turned from a once respected institution to the useless politically correct joke that spends more of its energy persecuting honourable law abiding citizens who are sick and tired at the lack of police effectiveness in dealing with criminals than it does in actually scarring the hell out of the criminals! How frustrating this must feel for ordinary front line coppers who have to work with their hands tied behind their backs whilst following orders. THERE'S NO WONDER MOST OF THE GOOD ONES HAVE LEFT OR ARE STILL LEAVING IN DROVES! Barnsley tax payers ought to be examining their council tax bills to find out what last year's massive 5% increase bought them! The answer is a reduction of 95 uniformed police officers between 2005 and 2006 at the same time as pen pushers and bureaucrats were increased by 177! It's about time we stood up and shouted louder than the criminals for our rights for a change and its about time we gave the politically correct politicians who have inflicted this evil on our people a good kick in the teeth by making a pledge to support the only party who have the guts to reverse this degradation, the BNP and making DAMN SURE WE HONOUR THAT PLEDGE!

Mark Kaye

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